Acusado de haberse quedado dormido al volante, George Michael deberá presentarse ante los tribunales de Londres el 8 de mayo, un día antes de su primer recital en el renovado estadio de Wembley. Michael fue detenido en septiembre pasado por Scotland Yard en una avenida del barrio de Crickelwood, en el norte de Londres, tras haberse dormido mientras conducía. La estrella pop niega haber manejado bajo los efectos de la marihuana, a pesar de haber dicho en una entrevista que fumaba usualmente esa droga. El juicio, que comenzará el próximo 8 de mayo, podría ver al músico, de 43 años, enfrentar una condena de varios meses de prisión o una multa de al menos 10.000 dólares. Al día siguiente, Michael tiene previsto, en el marco de su gira europea, dar su primer concierto en el recientemente renovado estadio de Wembley, que demandó 1.500 millones de dólares para su restauración.


Women are all beautiful, especially when they take care of their femininity and cultivate their body.
There is no more beautiful vision than that of a female body, and by the way, the fitter and curvier, the better.
There are two pages that I follow because they show us women from two origins, perhaps not prominent enough.
One of these pages is Arabian Beauties, which shows us how beautiful and sexy the women of the Arab world are.
Perhaps for cultural reasons we are not used to girls from those latitudes freely displaying their curves, but there are numerous examples of ladies who have Arab roots due to their ancestry, but who delight us with their unashamed beauty.
Another case is that of the beautiful women of African roots.
We are much more used to delighting ourselves with the exuberant and suggestive figures of girls of Afro origins, but let's agree that they do not belong to the most widespread stereotype of female beauty either.
That is why I find it interesting to take a look at these two very interesting pages.
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